Elgin Township Democrats

Our Next Meeting
April 9, 2025

(Second Wednesday Monthly)

Doors Open 6:30 p.m.
Speakers: 7:00pm
Business 7:30 p.m.

In Person and Zoom
Elgin Township Building | Lower Level
729 S. McLean Blvd, Elgin, IL 60123

Meet Our Candidates

Learn more about the Democratic candidates who are running to serve YOU!
Municipal Election: Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Local Government without Drama | Common Sense Solutions | Working for the Common Good
Democrats just get the job done! Meet candidates who only want to serve our community.
No nonsense responsibility from neighbors you know you can trust.

The Next Meeting of the Kane County Democrats will be:

Aptil 22, 2025 – 7:30 p.m.
(fourth Tuesday monthly)

*** Hybrid Meeting This Month ***
Building A, Kane County Government Center
719 S. Batavia Avenue, Geneva, IL 60134
40 people can attend in person. Zoom for others.

Updates from our blog

Carl Strathmann Elgin Township Trustee candidates

Carl Strathmann, candidate for Elgin Township Board Trustee

I feel seniors, that are living in some of the communities, would like more fellowship with their peers, and that there’s a lot more that we can do to help with that good community building.

Lois Swatscheno

Lois Swatscheno, candidate for Elgin Township Board Clerk

After the 2016 election I couldn’t just sit back anymore, and you know, take things that were happening for granted. I had to do something about it.

waste bin full of e waste

Electronics Recycling | Elgin Township Forward

Well, we’ll take them off your hands! Just make a small donation to Elgin Township Forward!

Upcoming Events This Week

March 29, 2025
  • Electronics Recycling | Elgin Township Forward

    March 29, 2025 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

    Have any old TVs, monitors, computer, or other electronic devices you'd like to get rid of?
    Well, we'll take them off your hands! Just make a small donation to Elgin Township Forward!
     If you are unable to drop your electronics off, or they are too heavy, we will arrange to pick them up at your home. Just email verntepe@gmail.com to get it scheduled.


    • STRATHMANN HOME - 210 WING PARK BLVD - 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    • TEPE HOME - 2814 BEACON POINT - 9:00 AM - NOON
    • SETTLER'S PARK - Sutton & Bridgeham - NOON - 1:00 PM

    See more details

  • Elgin Township Forward Final Phone-Banking Push

    March 29, 2025 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
    210 Wing Park Blvd, Elgin 60123

    Help Elgin Township Forward retake the township offices to ensure that ALL residents of Elgin Township are treated FAIRLY, EQUALLY and PROFESSIONALLY.

    Thursday 3/27 6:30p-8pm
    Friday 3/28 6:30p-8pm
    Saturday 3/29 10a-12p

    Bring your phone and we will have scripts and numbers to call all will be Dems

    Thursday and Friday we will have pizza and soft drinks

    Saturday we will have coffee and  pastries

    210 Wing Park Blvd, Elgin 60123

    Contact Vern Tepe @ verntepe@gmail.com with any questions.
    – or call –
    630-890-3460 (Carl’s cell)
    847-767-7478 (Cherryl’s cell)

    See more details

Our Executive Committee

Carl Strathmann

Carl Strathmann,

Winfried Cooper

Winfried Cooper,
Vice Chair,

Mike Rende

Mike Rende,

janice bennett

Janice Bennett,

sue broxham

Sue Broxham,

Jose Alfonso Villalobos

Jose Alfonso Villalobos,

Brad Vincent

Brad Vincent,
Sergeant at Arms,

Political donations are not deductible for income tax purposes. Reports regarding all donations requested on this site are or will be available from the Illinois State Board of Elections in Springfield, Illinois.

Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people. - Abraham Lincoln