Annual Food Drive
Saturday, August 12, 2023 | 10am-NoonElgin Township Democrats This year all of the proceeds will be going to:Community Crisis Center Inc (www.crisiscenter.org) Inflation hits the poor the hardest and makes their life very difficult. This means that they rely on the Food Banks even more. The BEST WAY to donate is to make a check ...

Food Drive | 8/13/2022 | 10am-1pm
Inflation hits the poor the hardest and makes their life very difficult. This means that they rely on the Food Banks even more.

Blood Drive | May 21, 2022
Elgin Township Democrats Community Blood Drive, Saturday, May 21, 2022 | 10am - 2pm

Food Drive | 1/29/2022
The Elgin Township Democrats are holding a FOOD DRIVE on Saturday, 1/29/2022 to re-stock the Elgin Food Pantries. Donations can be made at Carl and Cherryl Strathmann’s house at 210 Wing Park Blvd, Elgin, IL 60123 during the petition signing drive-thru. The Pandemic has made the need to help families even more necessary. The best way ...

Food Drive 2021
The Elgin Township Democrats are organizing another Food Drive this year and we need your help to help those less fortunate in our community.

Elgin Township Food Drive
Saturday August 15 & 22, 2020. All donations and proceeds go to Elgin Cooperative Ministry (ECM) & The Community Crisis Center. Donations by check should be made out to ECM.

Designer Masks Fundraiser in Edgewater | Food for Greater Elgin
The Sewing Ladies at Edgewater are making face masks and selling them with ALL PROCEEDS going to Food for Greater Elgin. If you need masks, the minimum donation is $5/mask.

Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association (CPAAA) Breakfast
The Elgin Township Democrats are happy to be participating as part of the Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association (CPAAA) Breakfast Ministry Team on Saturday, March 21, 2020. We already have a nice list of volunteers, but we welcome all members to get involved. The breakfast will be serving between 40 and 60 hungry and homeless ...

Emergency winter shelter in Elgin looking for volunteers
The emergency winter homeless shelter at First United Methodist Church in Elgin will be run for the first time this year by House of Restoration Community Outreach, a nonprofit headed by Lucy and Pedro Gomez. The shelter will be open when it's 15 degrees or colder.

Elgin Township Democrats Fall Fundraiser 2017
The Pets for Vets program is dedicated to supporting veterans and providing a second chance for shelter pets by rescuing, training and pairing them with America’s veterans who could benefit from a companion animal.
U-46 Forward Fundraiser
At last night’s meeting we found out about an upcoming fundraiser on Thursday, 1/19/2017, to Help U-46 Forward Support Board of Education Candidates Who Support U-46. More information is available here.
Trump won the presidency? As Democrats, what do we do now?
The Elgin Township Democrats fought hard to get Democrats elected up and down the tickets. While we can be proud of our many candidates that won their races, unfortunately Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States. Bernie Sander’s position on the President Elect matches that of many of us. “To the ...