A republic…if you can keep it
In 2024, there is only one topic that every American needs to have on their minds, in their speech, and on their keyboards: Saving Democracy!

20.1 million more people have health coverage with the ACA, let’s keep that going
The Daily Kos has a great article about how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has improved healthcare for millions of Americans. The Centers for Disease Control confirm that the Affordable Care Act is still a big fucking deal. Since 2010, 20.1 million people have gained health insurance. That number will increase soon into the new ...

This is the Foundation for Getting Our Democratic Candidates Elected
Now Is The Time You can become a deputy voter registrar. We can help get people registered to vote. We can help you learn to use Votebuilder. We can help you update Votebuilder information. Let’s start with each precinct committeeperson getting a list of strong Dems and visiting each and every one. If they don’t ...

Wayback Machine Chrome extension
Many government sites are being changed rapidly and in dangerous ways. Entire critical sections of information are being removed. …but what can you do? Luckily the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine is there to help us maintain vital pieces of information. They have now released a Chrome browser extension to make finding the information that is ...
Indivisible Guide Video
We will be discussing the Indivisible Guide at the next Elgin Township Democrats meeting. Many of our members have expressed an interest in officially joining the movement and we will be stronger if we do it together. This video will give you a quick overview of what is involved. We encourage all members to download ...
Trump is Dangerous
According to Trump, the election was “rigged” until the Russian meddling and FBI Director Comey helped him win. Now the news about Putin’s involvement and the hacks are “fake” news and polls that show, at 37%, he has the lowest polling ratings of any incoming President are “rigged”. Of course Rep John Lewis, that was ...
A Democrats Letter to Bruce Rauner from Raja Krishnamoorthi
Published November 28, 2014 by the Daily Herald Dear Mr. Rauner: I’m a Democrat, and I supported Pat Quinn in the election. That said, I wish you the best. To that end, I respectfully submit 10 thoughts for your consideration. Don’t mimic your Republican brethren. It will be tempting to employ the Republican playbook used ...