Elected Local Officials

Kane County

Corinne Pierog

Corinne Pierog | Kane County Board Chairperson

Kane County Government Center
719 Batavia Avenue, Building A
Geneva, Illinois  60134

E-Mail: cpierog@kanecoboard.org
Office: 630-232-5930
Fax: 630-232-9188


Michael Kenyon

Michael Kenyon | Trustee District 16 (R)

1250 East Main Street
South Elgin, Illinois 60177

E-Mail: mkenyon@kanecoboard.org
Office: 630-444-1216
Work: 847-741-1818


Committees: Agriculture, County Board, Committee of the Whole, County Development, Executive, Judicial and Public Safety, Transportation, Public Health

Deborah Allan

Deborah Allan | Trustee District 17 (D)

E-Mail: dallan@kanecoboard.org
Home: 847-917-5229
Office: 630-444-1217
Work: 847-605-0108


Committees: Riverboat Grant, County Board, Committee of the Whole, Administration, Energy and Environmental, Executive, Finance and Budget, Public Health, Liquor Control Commission, Human Services, Public Service, Community Development Commission, Stormwater Management Planning Committee

Mohammad Mo Iqbal

Mohammad “Mo” Iqbal | Trustee District 19 (D)

E-Mail: mIqbal@kanecoboard.org
Office: 630-444-1219


Committees: Riverboat Grant, County Board, Committee of the Whole, Executive, Jobs, Judicial and Public Safety, Legislative, Transportation, Finance and Budget, Stormwater Management Planning Committee

Cherryl Fritz Strathmann

Cherryl Fritz Strathmann | Trustee District 20 (D)

210 Wing Park Blvd
Elgin, IL 60123

E-Mail: cstrathmann@kanecoboard.org
Office: 630-444-1220


Committees: County Board, Committee of the Whole, Executive, Energy and Environmental, Riverboat Grant, Public Health, Legislative

Verner (Vern) Tepe

Verner (Vern) Tepe | Trustee District 22 (D)

2814 Beacon Point Cir
Elgin, IL 60124

E-Mail: vtepe@kanecoboard.org
Office: 630-444-1222


Committees: County Board, Committee of the Whole, Executive, Judicial/Public Safety Strategic Planning & Technology Commission, Legal Affairs and Claims, Public Service, Public Health, Finance and Budget

Penny Wegman

Auditor | Penny Wegman (D)

Kane County Government Center
719 S. Batavia Ave. Building A – Room 100
Geneva, IL 60134

Email: wegmanpenny@co.kane.il.us
Office: 630-232-5915


Theresa Barreiro

Circuit Clerk | Theresea E. Barreiro (D)

540 South Randall Road
St. Charles, Illinois 60174

E-Mail: circuitclerk@co.kane.il.us
Office: 630-232-3413


Rob Russell

Coroner​ | Rob Russell (R)

Kane County Government Center
719 S. Batavia Ave., Bldg. E
Geneva, IL 60134

Email: russellrob@co.kane.il.us
Office: 630-232-3535


John Cunningham

Count​y Clerk | John A. Cunningham (R)

Kane County Government Center
719 S. Batavia Ave., Bldg. B
Geneva, IL 60134

E-Mail: CountyClerk@co.kane.il.us
Office: 630-232-5950
Para Español llama: 630-232-5991


Christopher W. Kious

Forest Preserve District
President Christopher W. Kious (D)

1996 South Kirk Road, Suite 320
Geneva, IL 60134

E-Mail: forestpreserve@kaneforest.com
Office: 630-232-5980


Sandy Wegman

Recorder | Sandy Wegman (R)

Kane County Government Center
719 S. Batavia Ave, Building C
Geneva, IL 60134

E-Mail: wegmansandy@kanecountyrecorder.net
Office: 630-232-5935


Patricia Dal Santo

Regional Office of Education, Superintendent
Patricia Dal Santo (R)

Patricia Dal Santo (R)
28 N. First Street
Geneva, IL, 60134

Office: 630-232-595


Ron Hain

Sheriff | Ron Hain (D)

Kane County Sheriff’s Office
37W755 Illinois Route 38
St. Charles, Illinois 60175

Email: KaneSheriff@co.kane.il.us
Office: 630-232-6840


Clint Hull

Sixteenth Judicial Circuit
Chief Judge Clint Hull

Judicial Center, Room 301, Ste. 400A
37W777 Route 38
St. Charles, Illinois 60175

Office: 630-232-3440


Jamie Mosser

State’s Attorney’s Office
Jamie L. Mosser (D)

Kane County Judicial Center
37W777 Route 38Suite 300
St. Charles, IL 60175

Office: 630-232-3500


Michael J. Kilbourne

Treasurer | Michael J. Kilbourne, MBA

Kane County Government Center
719 S. Batavia Ave. Bldg A
Geneva, IL 60134

E-Mail: HoppGary@co.kane.il.us
Office: 630-232-3565
